Whether you are here for the food, the amazing views or the awesome company, We at Mangoz are more than happy to have you. Our service is geared to everyone, from the “every nighter” to the special occasion limer. From the huge groups and the lone drifter, we love your company. Sample menu, put our bartenders to the test or try one of our freshly baked pizzas. test
We try to give you something new ever so often. Our specials may be due to seasonal meats or just a treat from the chef.
Local Steak
Our local butchers sometimes have that rich
flavorful cut that you would like.
At Mangoz our steaks take centre stage and are complemented by a gourmet assortment of Vincentian cuisine and seafood, alongside an expertly curated wine list. Whether you choose our famous Steak or
famous pizzas, you’re sure to satisfy your
cravings with the best service and hospitality.
ReduceThe Wait:
Some days, it gets very busy but you can help us out. If you know you have a large group and the date and time you are going to join us, you can give us a heads up
Our Chefs love to put new things together. Here is what we have for you today!
Our wraps
Mangoz shrimp: Always juicy and never overcooked. Perfectly seasoned to highlight flavor.
Fresh from the sea. A healthy slice of fish with your favorite sides is a signature Mangoz meal.
Try one of our special cocktails, bet you can’t have just one…
Whiskey Sour
Pina Colada
Jet Setter
Curtain Call
About Mangoz
Mangoz Restaurant and Bar, both in Bequia and Mainland St. Vincent are synonymous with great-tasting food, breathtaking views and a vibe that reminds you of what life is really about. A place to past time with old friends and meets new ones.
Reach Us
Mangoz Restaurant And Bar, Villa
Phone: 1784-458-5882